G. Arthanareeswaran, Development of polymeric membranes for nano-filtration and applications Membranes , Organized by Department of Chemistry, Thanthai Hans Roever College of Arts and Science, India, 4th March 2009
G. Arthanareeswaran, Membranes for waste-water Treatment, Organized by Indian Institute of Engineers, BHEL, Tiruchirappalli, India, 10th April 2009
G. Arthanareeswaran, Development of polymeric membranes for waste water treatment, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 3rd February 2010
G. Arthanareeswaran, Ultra-filtration by phase inversion (separation) method, Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering Loughborough University Leicestershire, UK, 20th June 2010
G. Arthanareeswaran, Membranes for nano-filtration applications, Workshop on NanoTechnology Organized by Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India, 24th April 2010
G. Arthanareeswaran, Polymer Membrane Development and its Application, One day seminar organized by Chemical Engineering Division, SMBS, VIT University, India,7th September, 2010
G. Arthanareeswaran, Membrane Separation process: Overview.(4 Technical session Lectures in one day), Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore. India, 2nd April 2011
G. Arthanareeswaran, Membranes for metal ion separation, Organized by Professor Huanting Wang Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University, Australia, 16th June 2011
G. Arthanareeswaran, Emerging Membrane Technology for Environmental Applications, Organized by Department of Chemistry, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India, 10th December 2011
G. Arthanareeswaran, Membranes Technology for Promising Environmental Applications, INDO- UK Workshop On Current Development of Wastewater Treatment, Organized by NITT, 31st August 2011
G. Arthanareeswaran, Prospects of Membrane Science and Technology: Current Development in Chemical systems, Short Term Course On Emerging Technologies for Biotechnology and Chemical Processes, Organized by NITT,1st September 2012
G. Arthanareeswaran, Future of membrane process for green technologies and water reuse, Workshop on Remediation for Clean and green environment, Organized by NITT, 30th November 2012
G. Arthanareeswaran, R&D proposals- Preparation and Approach, One day national level workshop on “R&D proposals for Government funding agencies - Preparation and Approach, Organized by Sathyabama University, India, December 15th, 2012
G. Arthanareeswaran, Emerging Technologies in the Development of Membrane Materials for Separation Applications, New Avenues in Chemical Sciences Research, Organized by NITT,18-22 March 2013
G. Arthanareeswaran, Preparation & Approach to R&D Proposals" Organized by Sathyabama University, India, 11th January 2013,