Development of models to evaluate the performance and determination of circulating loads for CFB Gasifier in BHEL Rs. 6 lakhs (2009)
Combined pyrolysis and steam gasification to establish multi fuel production with maximized hydrogen yield. 12.3 lakhs (2009)
Synthesis of Cellulosic Nanofibers from Aquatic Weeds – DBT, (2007-2010) Rs. 3.94 lacs
CFD Analysis on performance of cyclones designed for CFB Boiler in BHEL Rs. 11 lakhs (2010)
Investigation on removal of dyes from effluents using cloud point extraction.~1.85 lakhs (2010 – 2012)
Modelling and Control of Processes with Large Process Lag and Random Disturbances. Rs. 10 lakhs
Environmentally benign aqueous two phase system for effective separation of cheese whey proteins (α-lactalbumin and -lacto globulin) from dairy effluents. Rs. 14.39 Lakhs
Analysis of Flow and Heat Transfer characteristics of Single and Two phase flow through Plate Heat exchanger.Rs.12.45 lakhs (2010~2013)
Advanced control of chemical processes involving time delays.~18 lakhs(2010-2013)
Advanced modelling, control and decision support tools for flexible and optimal waste water treatment plants. €100000 (2012-2014)
Monitoring of Air Pollution, Sea Water and Sea Bed at VOC Port, Tuticorin, Rs. 19.8 lakhs (2012 – 2014)
Removal of Phenol/ Phenolic compounds using RTIL impregnated microcapsules. Rs. 6 lakhs (2010-2011)
A novel study on bio-fuel from Non-edible oils using Heterogeneous catalysts in a continuous process. Rs. 10.5 lakhs(2011-2014)
Novel Energy Production from Distillery Effluent Treatment by Bio-electrochemical Method. Rs.22.8 Lakhs (2013-2016)
Direct conversion of CO2 to hydrocarbon fuel using novel nano photocatalyst., Rs.21.6 Lakhs (2013-2016)
Synthesis of Novel Nanosized Semiconductor Photocatalyst for Sonophotocatalytic Degradation of Organic Pollutants from industrial wastewater, Rs.24 Lakhs (2013-2014)