K.N.Sheeba, J.Sarat Chandra babu, S.Jaisankar, Experimental analysis of coir pith for biomass fluidization: A preliminary study on the hydrodynamics of coir pith-sand system, International journal of pollution research, 2, 309-313, March 2008.
K.N.Sheeba, J.Sarat Chandra Babu, S.Jaisankar, Reaction kinetics for coir pith pyrolysis in Thermogravimetric analyzer, Energy Sources Part A, Taylor & Francis, 32, 1837 – 1850, August 2010.
K.N.Sheeba, J.Sarat Chandra babu, S.Jaisankar, Air gasification characteristics of coir pith in a circulating fluidized bed gasifier, Energy for sustainable development,13, 166- 173, September 2009.
K.N.Sheeba, J.Sarat Chandra babu, S.Jaisankar, Steam gasification characteristics of coir pith in a circulating fluidized bed gasifier, Energy Sources Part A, Taylor & Francis, 35 (2), 110-121, December 2012.
K.N.Sheeba , P.Prakash, S.Jaisankar, Performance evaluation of a flat plate collector coupled solar still System, Energy Sources Part A, Taylor & Francis, Accepted for publication.
K.N.Sheeba, R.Madhusudhana Rao, S.Jaisankar, A study on the underwater performance of solar photovoltaic panel, Energy Sources Part A, Taylor & Francis, Accepted for publication.
S.Jaisankar, T.K.Radhakrishnan, K.N.Sheeba, Experimental studies on heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of Thermosyphon solar water heater system fitted with spacer at the trailing edge of twisted tapes, Applied Thermal Engineering, 29, April 2009, 1224-1231.
S.Jaisankar, T.K.Radhakrishnan, K.N.Sheeba, Studies on heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of Thermosyphon solar water heater system with helical twisted tapes, Energy, Elsevier, 34, September 2009, 1054-1064.
S.Jaisankar, T.K.Radhakrishnan, K.N.Sheeba, Experimental studies on heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of forced circulation solar water heater system fitted with Left-Right twisted tapes, International Energy journal, 9, September, 2008.
S.Jaisankar, T.K.Radhakrishnan, K.N.Sheeba, S.Suresh, Experimental studies on heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of Thermosyphon solar water heater system fitted with left-right twisted tapes, International journal of Applied Engineering Research, 3, 1091-1103, August,2008.
S.Jaisankar, T.K.Radhakrishnan, K.N.Sheeba, S.Suresh, Experimental investigation of heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of Thermosyphon solar water heater system fitted with spacer at the edge of Left-Right twisted tapes, Energy Conversion and Management, 50, 2638-2649, October 2009.
S.Jaisankar, T.K.Radhakrishnan, K.N.Sheeba, Experimental studies on heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of forced circulation solar water heater system with twisted tapes, Solar energy, 83, 1943-1952, November 2009.
S.Jaisankar, T.K.Radhakrishnan, K.N.Sheeba, Experimental studies on heat transfer and thermal performance characteristics of thermosyphon solar water heating system with helical and Left-Right twisted tapes, Energy Conversion and Management, 52, 2048-2055, May 2011.
S. Jaisankar, J. Ananth, S. Thulasi, S.T. Jayasuthakar, K.N. Sheeba, A comprehensive review on solar water heaters, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15, 3045-3050, August 2011.
K.Muralidharan, D.Vasudevan, K.N.Sheeba, Performance, emission and combustion characteristics of biodiesel fuelled variable compression ratio engine, Energy, 36, 5385-5393, July 2011.
Gangadhar Maddukuri, Sheeba, K.N., Biruli, P.S., Jaisankar,S, Effect of co-firing coals of varying fuel characteristics, Energy Sources Part A, Taylor & Francis, Accepted for publication.
K.N.Sheeba, S.Jaisankar, P.Prakash, Performance study on an inclined solar water distillation system, International journal of chemical and environmental engineering, Volume 3, Issue 1, 61-63, February 2012.
P.Prakash, Lohit Kamble, K.N.Sheeba, Experimental studies on biomass pyrolysis using microwave radiation, Energy Sources Part A, Taylor & Francis, Accepted for publication.
M.N.Vineetha, M.Matheswaran, K.N.Sheeba, Photocatalytic colour and COD removal in the distillery effluent by solar radiation, Solar energy, 91, 2013, 368–373.
P. Prakash, K. N. Sheeba, Determination of kinetic parameters of biomass samples using Thermogravimetric analysis, Environmental progress and sustainable energy. Wiley, Accepted for publication.
P. Prakash, K. N. Sheeba, Study on kinetic parameters of different biomass samples using Thermo-gravimetric analysis, Biomass and Bioenergy. Elsevier, Accepted for publication.
Research Publications - Books/Chapters in a Book/ Monographs
1. Experimental studies on a Circulating fluidized bed biomass gasifier, Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co, Germany, ISBN : 978-3-8465-2080-2, October 2011.
Articles in Newsletters/Magazines
1. Manikantan, Sheeba, Jaisankar, Green house solar dryer for grapes, Akshay Urja, bimonthly newsletter of MNRE, Government of India Volume 6, Issue 1, 2012.